Monday, July 1, 2013

July Challenge: Turn It Off, Turn You On

I admit, "Turn It Off, Turn You On" is completely corny and tacky, but it is direct. This month is a little more ambiguous than other months in terms of the challenge (May Month of Dresses, June's Home Cooking) When I look at my lifestyle habits and practices, electricity use is one of the things I avoid writing about on the blog. Not only do I live in a technology-abundant garden apt., I write the blog, promote it on social media, etc. I use technology all the time, and subsequently rely on the energy needed to power those devices.

This month, I intend to to curb my electric use significantly (quite an interesting month to do it in the middle of summer). However, there's two reasons I want to do this challenge 1) reduce my energy use and 2) finish a bunch of projects that I've started/want to start but havent finished.

So what am I "turning off"
  • Television - No movies, No Hulu, No Netflix. The TV won't be turning on. A uses the TV to play video games, and I'm working on some solutions for the "background noise" issue, hoping to work out a deal where I actually unplug the tv, but that my result in a mutiny. I'm currently obsessed with Rehab Addict and HGTV Design Star (they will have to wait). 
  • Computer/Technology/Device Usage - Between 8am and 8pm. I usually stay up to 11-12pm each night, and instead of waking up and reading The Skimm on my phone at 6:30am. I'm hoping to read pages from some of the many books on my reading list. 
  • Cooling Apartment - No fans/AC on when we aren't in the apartment. No need to keep it cool, so it is cool when we get back.
  • Laundry - Can't move myself to hand washing now that I will finally have an in-unit washer, but I'm hang drying all my clothes. 
  • Dishwasher - When we move, it will be once a week. 
  • Any other technology bits and pieces you thinking I missing?
What I am "turning on"
  • Books - I've got about 15-20 books that I have, that I haven't yet read. Hoping to get that number down to signal digits this month. 
  • Moving apartments!!!
  • Finishing my first quilt
  • Building/Repurposing New furniture for my place. On the list include - Sofa, dining table, bench, several chairs, and my lady workroom.
  • Yoga - Bought a LivingSocial deal for some beach yoga on North Avenue. Really excited to do it after work. 
I'm sure my list of things I need to do will double by mid-month. After all, it is only July 1st. I also realize that my "turning off" goals don't seem as lofty or extreme, but I think they are practical for me right now, and hopefully, in future months, I will be able to make even more significant reductions. 

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