Thursday, March 21, 2013

Local Feature: Julia Bergen of Do Rei Mi Jewels

 This is not a sponsored post.
Jewelry is one of the things that it is so easy for most of us not to think about in a sustainable way. When putting together an outfit, the quick and cheap fix is to your local online boutique or down-the-street-store for extremely cheap prices. Quality and uniqueness is usually sacrificed for accessibility. I'm guilty of it, but I'm really trying to change. Lately, the changes have been overwhelming satisfying. As I'm slowly adding more jewelry by local designers into by arsenal, I've been so pleased with the quality of the pieces. When buying local jewelry, it is definitely not as easy as mass-produced alternatives. I think I think we all run into two issues - price and quality. You don't want to buy something that looks like it came from a craft fair, and let's face it, most of us don't have high price points. Nonetheless, the jewelry designers, though more difficulty to find, are just extremely appealing to you and me; Julia Bergen of Do Rei Mi Jewels is one of those designers.
I've been fortunate to meet the lovely Julia through a digital art class I took at Lill Street Art Center last month. Julia makes contemporary cross-stitch jewelry - beautify pendants with modern art and patterns. Once I checked out her website, Etsy site, and Of A Kind sale, I immediately bought a piece for myself, and started planning my future gifts! 

You can find Do Rei Mi Jewels here, here, and here! All images in this post are from Do Rei Mi Jewels.

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