Can you believe it is almost the end of June?! Wow, did this month go by quickly! I was hoping I would be able to detail more about my June Challenge on the blog and achieve some of the things I wanted to get done in terms of Green Kitchen Home Improvements, but here's a summary so far.
Before - In the months prior to this "challenge," I ordered take out or went out to eat probably 2-3 times a week, not including the times I picked a coffee up from a local shop. (I use the term "challenge" loosely here for several reasons. Is the ability to not order take out really that significant of a lifestyle practice? No!)
Results - This entire month, I've brought my lunch to work each day. While I didn't make a near perfect record, nor did I achieve some of the green kitchen improvements I wanted to this month (they are still in the works). I'm continuing with no take-out rule. "21 Days Makes a Habit" seems to be my motto/motivation. I ate out five times during this month - Rib Fest, Lisa's Celebratory Return to the USA, Father's Day, Gino's with my dad, and that one time in the midst of apartment hunting when I desperately needed a Starbucks-Pick-Me-Up.
Technology Asset - With the Pepperplate App (and online site), you can automatically import recipes from your favorite websites and blogs (no need to manually enter them). You can also format your meal planner and make shopping lists based off of your favorite websites. I love the fact that it is compatible on all three of my devices - computer, tablet, and phone. You can use all of the features on whatever device you use, but I use certain devices for specific things - computer (finding recipes, organizing shopping lists, and meal planning), mobile (for when I'm actually shopping), and tablet (for the cooking).
Meal Planning - Everyone has different ways how they plan meals, I don't think I've figured it out completely, but I definitely have something that is much more efficient than anything that I did before this challenge. Towards the end of the week (Thursday or Friday), I will plan the meals for the rest of the week starting with Saturday (afternoon or dinner depending on where we are with food). Lunch is typically leftovers, but I will rotate and store them properly so it doesn't seem redundant. Breakfast changes from week to week, but there isn't too much variation within the week. Each week I tried to make one meal that I could prepare on Sunday and freeze (casseroles, soups, baked things) and one grain/vegetable salad that I could use for lunches and sides.
Grocery Shopping - Each week, we spent about $60-90 on groceries. A ate out for lunch Monday thru Friday (not fighting on that too much), but that $60-90 included breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the weekend, plus all dinners, my lunches, and breakfasts during the week. It included meat, which is probably the most expensive thing. If we were vegetarians, that average could easily be dropped in half. I mixed up grocery shopping between farmer's markets, Jewel, and Whole Foods. I had bought $60 worth of grains - quinoa, rice, and gluten-free cereal in bulk around mid-May. We used all of those grains (still a bit left over).
Conclusions & Next Steps - Since I'm preparing everything that I've been making, I feel extremely healthy lately (other factors might also impact that feeling), but I've felt overall very healthy, which I haven't in a very long time. With the reduction of trash, setting up the compost pile, the overall good feeling, and the savings. I'm continuing this tradition on. My goal for July is to make the entire month without any exceptions, but I will be building on my June challenge with a new one for July.