Wednesday, June 12, 2013

DIY Living Room Upgrades: Coffee Table + Pillows

I've been longing to update certain aspects of my garden apt. for a few months, especially after A moved in. I've got a tendency for cohesion and with the abundance of tech gadgets and equipment that soon invaded my apt., everything seemed out of whack. At the same time, I had the furniture, it functioned for its purposes - sitting, resting feet, storage, etc. I didn't want to toss anything out, so I decided to paint, redesign it, or recover it.
Final Result
My two main projects included 1) painting the iKea Lack TV unit (used as a coffee table because surface area is essential for us) and then covering it with Chasing Paper wallpaper top and 2) creating new pillow cases for my pillows (brushed up on my sewing skills at The Needle Shop)
BEFORE: Look at how pathetic those pillows look. I made the mini-black one at my Needle Shop class
First, I painted the coffee table. Before I cut the wallpaper, I had to flatten out. Great use of my weights (about the biggest use i get out of them)
Measured the wall paper so that it would align correctly on the table. Used straight edge to cut paper as well.
Peeled the paper and placed on table. My recommendation is that this is a two person job to avoid any air bubbles.  
Everything placed back on the coffee table - Grandma's tick-tac-toe set, candle, plants, remote, books, and great blanket storage.
Window sill above couch. I've got a bunch of gifted decorative objects, old candle holders, etc. They were all different colors and with my left over paint. I decided to paint them white for uniformity. 
My three pillows, super stuffed. I kind of like my brown futon couch now with these pillows.
Final product.
Even though I will be moving in a few short months, the couch and coffee table will find its open in my new (garden) apt. With any left over fabric, paint, etc. I've got plans to use it for some other decorative projects, so that I use up what I purchased. Since my home diy projects all revolve around a similar color scheme, I can get more use out of them with other projects.

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