Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Garden

Every month for about a week, I get, what I call, "super-organized" and "super-prepared," and I become a textbook busy-body. It's the strangest PMS symptom, but I swear it is a symptom that I've had since college. This past Saturday was a perfect example. On the agenda, I planned to go to the farmer's market and work on the coffee table and bedroom dresser. What I ended up doing was going to the farmer's market, stopping through Old Town Art Fair, completing painting the dresser, making three pillows, cooking meals for the week, and planting my summer garden.
truly a garden apt.
Initially, I thought that with moving at the beginning of August, and not knowing anything about the place I was moving, a gardening this year would not be an option. However, my little green thumb came out on Saturday.
Very excited about my lime tree this year. 
My garden consists of several different planters of tomatos, peppers, herbs, and one strawberry plant. Last year with the drought, despite daily watering and nurturing, my plants were not as luscious as I desired. Here's hoping to this year.

I garden without a lot of equipment. I don't have a shovel, so I use a spoon and a measuring cup. I love my garden gloves, because since I'm not wearing nail polish, dirt in my nails is very obvious. I also have a water bottle that I spray the plants morning and night. Also, the key to every successful garden is to replant in fresh soil. I cared for last year's soil, so that I was able to reuse it for this year. On the weekends, when I'm home. I take my houseplants outside (except my orchid) to get some intense sunlight. I think this is part of the reason my money tree has doubled in size.
Also, as you see I use the little markers that came with the plant. I love the ceramic ones you find in stores or even the popsicle stick ones. However, the idea of creating something that already exists for me seems kind of wasteful. I guess I would use those options if I was planting directly from seeds and consistently planted the same things year after year.

Do you garden in the city? What are you growing this summer?

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