Monday, January 21, 2013

Meatless Mondays: Vegan Wines (What?)

First off, yes, not all wines are vegan. But, it's grapes! Yes, I know; I thought the same thing too. Until I started reading r/vegan on reddit, I was exposed to this link. Essentially, the filtering process is where wines could become not vegan given the use of various fining agents made from animal by products. If you are like me, and love a good glass of wine with dinner. What are you suppose to do? Solution - Barnivore, where one can search any brand of beer, wine, and liquor and find out if it is vegan or not-vegan. If only they had an App version of this website, so much easier to use.

When thinking about wines, I started to think about local, an equally important factor when considering the sustainability of my dietary choices. Therefore, I need to start investigating and purchasing locally made alcoholic beverages - Michigan Wines, Chicago Local Breweries, and Bourbon Whiskey (Kentucky). Fortunately, my little bar is near dry, and when I decide to restock, it will be full of locally made, vegan-friendly products. To be perfectly honest, I'm kind of sad about the wine as I am not typically a fan of Michigan wines, but we will see how it goes.
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