Friday, February 22, 2013

Green Living: Toilet Paper

There's an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, where Larry David is so sick of using single-ply toilet paper that he convinces his house guests to store double-ply in their bathroom. When his wife, who wants them to use single-ply to reduce their environmental impact, finds out, usual Curb madness ensues.

Similar situation is happening this household. I try to live green; the man doesn't really care. And I've viewed it as kind of a challenge. People are going to start living more sustainably if it is easier or more comfortable than what they are currently doing. As I try to green up my life, if its easier, he'll do it. There are some things, I have won, other's I have not, and even other things that are currently a battle.

When we first started living together, I did most of the grocery shopping and consequently purchasing toilet paper. Then, he started complaining and picked up his own. As a men, never put toilet paper in the holder, it was pretty easy to use two-ply. But eventually, he started keeping it more accessible. So, I went to alternating rolls. The last straw -  he bulk ordered (from Amazon) enough 2-ply toilet paper to get us through the apocalypse. Why on Earth would I order that much single-ply to counter that challenge? So, I've given in defeat. How could I compete with that softness? There is a difference, I don't care, but apparently he does. Ah, my only solution is to make sure I'm not using too much and hope for a softer, environmentally-friendly solution.

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