Monday, February 4, 2013

Meatless Mondays: Tasterie

When I decided to commit to a vegan diet, I thought that it would reduce how much I snack in between meals. While it definitely has altered how much I do snack, I still need some tasty treats for in case of emergencies. Carrots, celery sticks, and apples, don't always cut it. Sometimes I need something a little more savory or sweet. So on my hunt for snacks, I went to Jewel, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe's, where I can spend about $1.99-$3.99 on a snack bar. Not satisfying. Therefore, I started doing a little Internet research to find something other than Vegan Cuts. Lone behold, Tasterie, a small business started by a pediatrician and mother, that delivers allergy-free foods that are curated to the buyer's needs.

I decided to give it a go and ordered the "Gluten Allergy, Wheat Allergy, and Vegan" Snack Box. About two weeks later it arrived, full of actually delicious snacks such Sesame Chickpeas, Maple-syrup oatmeal, Spicy Jalapeno tomato chips, and two recipes. Everything was delicious. 

Of course, I had some issues with trying to live green and online purchasing, therefore, I didn't subscribe to get the monthly deliveries. For me, I decided that it was best to see the variety snacks that are out there (experiential learner here) so that I could try to replicate them on my own. The great thing about vegan snacks is that if you have a mandoline, dehydrator, and an oven, you can make a lot of delicious treats! Perhaps this will be my alternative to baking! 

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